Jerbeens have incredibly small and light bodies, standing between 2 and 3 feet tall, and weighing between 20 Jerbeens are the smallest inhabitants of Humblewood, and 40 pounds. Players can adjustof Humblewood. A lot of its abilities are more flavorful and it requires a fair bit of bonus action investment, I believe, which limits how hard it can hit. In addition to Glide, Strigs gain +2 strength, are at their strongest when in a forest. There are two main subraces of corvum:increases by 2. dusk and kindled. 6th Channel Divinity: Community Watch Once per round, a creature benefitting from this boon can roll a d6, adding the result to a skill check, saving throw, or attack 8th Divine Strike (1d8) roll. Face craggy skinnedmountain lionswhose roar can summon rockslides, hunt the deadlyforest prowlersin their woodland lair, and tangle with the giantsea monster(art coming soon!) Add this result in pounds to your races base weight. The birdfolk races of Humblewood are as diverse and unique as the forest itself. Humblewood is an exciting new Campaign Setting for 5e DND that includes 10 original player races, new monsters, magic items, and a compelling adventure for 1st to 5th level characters. This allows them to support their allies, even when they are a class that isn't traditionally associated with support. A creature can only 14th Divine Strike (2d8) benefit from this effect if it can see at least one of its allies. these sizes depending on the kind of birdfolk or humble- folk character theyd like to play. Corvums cut imposing figures, standing between 4and a half and 5 and a half feet tall, encompassing a varietyof different builds. You grant yourself and a number of allies, up to your Wisdom 2nd Channel Divinity: Magnificent Feast modifier (minimum of 1), a boon from your deity. Songbird. Spurred by personal interests and flights of it naturally.fancy, lumas lean towards chaotic alignments. Thebirdfolk have hollow bones, reinforced by special internalstructures that act as struts. Sometimes their driveto succeed can make it difficult for them to empathize with Size. RELATED: Dungeons & Dragons: 10 GREATEST 5e Adventures, Ranked. The guardian spirit is Large, and takes the appearance of can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to target onea spectral predatory cat. Many such gods teach the valueof tradition and simple ways of living in harmony with the Starting at 2nd level, you may use your Channel Divin-natural world. Birdfolk is a language of clicks, caws, and whistles. visit Humblewood will want to know Birdfolk. But rather than being born flared out, these tough quills naturally flatten, becomingof cowardice, their behavior stems from a desire to respect the smooth to the touch. When someone performs ayou choose, although you cannot choose to move upwards, Wisdom (Insight) check against you, they have disadvantagelanding in the space you finish your movement. An experienced paladin instructed youmarked with an asterisk (*) are magical effects. These isolated communities were vulnerable to an organization of brigands and marauders who called themselves the Bandit Coalition. To protect themselves from the Coalition, the bird- folk built fortified cities in the forests canopy. Age. Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters, REPORT: Avatar: The Last Airbender Gaang Film Is Set Over a Decade After the Show, Why How I Met Your Mother's Alternate Ending Is So Much Better, Neil Gaiman Proposes a Suitably Chaotic Way to Cast The Sandman's Delirium. gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth. Cervans teach that the best important for both themselvesmeans of survival in any situation is to remain and their communities. You may only use this feature once per round.42 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodNew Backgrounds what motivates you? Another way to sell the game is by showing off the art. You choose whether any foe reduced to 0 hit points by this attack remains stable or dies. You may choose to takedouble the necrotic damage you rolled on your Bardic Inspira- At 14th level, your experience has taught you how to reallytion die to instead have the effect last for 1 hour. At 14th level, any Large or smaller creature who has their At 14th level, you can maintain this effect for upspeed reduced to 0 by the guardian spirit is restrained for as to 24 hours.long as you maintain your concentration, as your guardianspirit pins them in place. Whats important is that you select a background zation. Additionally, you are adept at finding shelter in the burned before.4 I have a problem with authority. Add this result in inches to the The Wood covers a vast area of different environments. Only the truly foolhardy among them are taken in by Darkvision. You cannot glide while wearing heavy armor, or if yousubscribing to general law. The more compassion we have for animals the better our world will be. Ability Score Increase. If you do so, you ll You cannot become lost in natural surroundings except by may roll an opposed Strength check against the creature. Welcome to the Wood 10 3. If you would fall at least 10 feet in this way, you may fly up to your movement speed in one direction you choose, The gallus are a varied folk, resembling as many different although you cannot choose to move upwards, landing invarieties of wildfowl as there are trees in the Wood. Your truesight only functionsThe motives of night gods are often shrouded in mystery. At 6th level, you have learned to identify a selection of useful herbs that you can carry with you. Maybe they'll have a story of their own to tell you, too. The first birdfolk race of this list, Gallus resemble a variety offowl ranging from chickens and roosters, to pheasants and turkeys. You cannot glide while wearing heavy armor, or if youwealth of sensory information they receive from their partic- are encumbered.ularly keen eyes and sensitive ears. Choose one of these subraces. There are two main subraces of strigs: swiftand stout. Number 4 - The Circle of Dreams. skill check, or saving throw. Though a1 Adversity. They reach adulthood at 15 years,and live well past 90 years.30 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodaMy dearest, though your dangerous and reckless lifestyle worries me so, I know that you will outwit any opponent who comes your way - Love letter excerpt from Tybalt Hillshaw to his bandit lover Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 31Characters In the Wood embodying one of the folk This chapter outlines how you can customize your charac- Altering Race Sizeter, everything from physical characteristics, backgrounds, The sizes listed in the racial descriptions representclass options, feats, and spells, all in keeping with the flavor suggested averages of the various races. This solidarity has allowed them to work together and wood are divided into two categories: the birdfolk prosper, creating a harmony in the Wood which has lasted and the humblefolk. Two For Flinching At 18th level, you have perfected the art of exploiting your opponents weakness. You gain the following benefits:ll You may choose to land your glide in a space occupied by ll You gain proficiency in either the Survival or Nature skill. Any Bardic Inspiration gained in this way can only be used to perform your favorite trick. Play as one of the five core humblefolk races: Once a loosely organized confederacy of crime, its ranks have swelled with humblefolk displaced by the spreading fires who have turned to banditry to survive. Genius ideas created by mapach even capable of passing for a disguise (if you crafted an articlehands frequently began as scroungecraft prototypes. Quickly integrates your content into compendiums and import your characters from D&DBeyond (and sync their status back at the end of your game!) Number 5 - The Circle of Wildfire. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. You have an almost unnatural beauty and grace, inspiring admiration in some and jealousy in others. creature (chosen by the creature when consumed).Community Domain Features Channel Divinity: Community Watch Cleric Level Feature Starting at 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity 1st Domain Spells, Blessing of the Hearth to instill a feeling of vigilant protection in you and your allies. You understandsubtle social cues the way a hunter understandstheir prey, and youre just as quick to capitalize onan advantage. social situations. 17th Paragon of the People Divine StrikeCommunity Domain Spells At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon with the power to punish wrongdoing. Found the internet! The powers I have been gifted with and perceptions of yourself and your community, pairing are meant to serve the common good. They can reach a respectable old age by bird-folk standards, living around 80 years. You have advantage on saving throws againsttheir ability to find a use for just about anything. Ability Score Increase. You gain the following benefits: out of combat. Some pass a variety of builds from svelt to wide, weighing betweenmay consider them brash, but mapachs know that opportu- 90 and 160 pounds. Variant Rule: Different Looks for Birdfolk and Humblefolk To use this table, first locate your characters race, androll for their height modifier. The trees are old and powerful, with rare specimens that reach as tall as small mountains. When falling you can use yourprey, they have sharp talons and agile builds that help them reaction to spread your arms, stiffen your wing feathers, andeffortlessly glide through the canopy. In Humblewood, were going back to our roots as storytellers, using nature and the animals around us to adventure in a world of fantasy. Im in big trouble if they ever find me. You can speak, read,and write Birdfolk and Hedge. Adventure in the Wood 84 The Ancient Forest 134 Vulpin 32 Introduction 84 The Avium 135Characters In the Wood 32 Overview 85 Exploring the Avium 137 Character Details 32 Part 1: The Adventure Begins 86 Into the Library 139 Sex & Gender 32 86 Shadows Fall 142 Height and Weight Sleepy Meadowfen 89 Mysterious Circumstances 143 Variant Rule: Different Looks for 32 Winnowing Reach 91 Putting the Pieces Together 145 34 The Missing Researcher 91 The Necromancer 145 Birdfolk and Humblefolk 36 The Mokkden Caverns 95 Odwalds Trap 146 Languages of the Wood 36 Returning to the Reach 95 The Secret Door 147New Class Options 39 The Swamp Witch 99 The Study Room 148 Bard 41 A Witchs Debt 100 The Old Classroom 149 Cleric 43 Leaving the Reach 101 The Secret Laboratory 151 Fighter 47 Part 2: The Bandit Menace 101 Developments 152New Backgrounds 49 A Rough Road Ahead 102 Part 5: Of Fate and Flame 153New Feats The Great Tree City 106Spell Descriptions Elizas Emporium 107 Odwalds Fate 153 The Birdfolk Council 1092. You can expend one use of your 1) to the attacks damage roll. Creating this project has been an unforgettable journey, full of as many surprises, twists and turnsas the overgrown paths of Humblewood itself. These birds were smart, funny, and ignored by almost every animal shelter you took them to. Theyare one of the few races who truly understand that conflict is Age. Compared to Travelers Tricksstudents of other Bard Colleges, a special kind of sensibilityis important for the College of the Road. Any good rat knows when its Languages: one of your choice4 time to flee a sinking ship. These are the ties of family and friendship, theties to ancestors, as well as the ties between elders and the next Additionally, you gain proficiency with Cooks utensils.generation with whom they share their wisdom. This ability has numerous useful applications and it can be used to solve puzzles and pinpoint the price of treasure. You are destined for greatness.fall, and glide short distances. Up to 90% off at 18,000 locations. When you select thisoption, choose from the following Fighting Styles:ll Archery: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.ll Dueling: When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.ll Great Weapon Fighting: When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2.