It is also usually when I lay down and am really, really tired. (I almost forgot about the ear thing. I have a blood pressure machine and take it daily but it is always 120/80 normal not hypotensive. "When you're on the floor, and you can't help but feel the state of . yes i was to my endo yesterday. I had a mysterious ear issue about two years ago and after reading these comments, I realize I definitely should consult an ENT. Actually, MRIs aren't harmful at all, unless you have a pacemaker or a lot of metallic implants in your body. Its when i let go and I am just about asleep. Read our editorial policy. This is a Community for those Living with Lupus to Connect, Share Experiences, Build Support, and Create Community. Ironically though, once you learn to accept anxiety as not harmful, the symptoms, Anxiety likes the game it plays with our mind. It appears you have not yet Signed Up with our community. Flashes of vertigo/dizziness, feels like the floor is sinking or uneven. It is similar to the one we get minutes before we have to give a big speech or . Yes my symptoms started back in March I posted on this site. I looked around and everyone was going about their business as normal. Have an MRI in 2 days I am so scared some people think it might to MS Any thoughts would be so helpful, The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. It doesn't feel like the sort of dizziness that comes with nausea. I've had numerous EKG's, blood tests and other things . Its easier to get better if you fully understand whats actualky going on inside your body to cause these physical symptoms! It feels like my body 'drops' inside for a split second. I actually think we can do fine on some meds for years, then suddenly have side effects appear out of the blue. I landed on one of my students once. It rattles my brain for a moment this is constant all day everyday . I take topamax for headaches but this migraine has been lingering for days. You should always tell your doctor if this is the case. I had the exact same feeling a few years back. You can meet one of our team, learn more about the process, and find out what TLC your property needs. Beyond that came the, physical symptoms. 5 Yard Drainage Problems and How to Solve Them, 5 Reasons for Cracks in Your Basement Wall, We know you want to know what you are getting into far before deciding on the best company to provide services for your home or workplace. I hated the last one I saw. When the kitchen floor begins to sink, it's more than just an eyesore. And considering niacin is one of the major B vitamins, I bet it has something to do with our balance or neurological processes related to feeling "level".although I never really looked into it further once I found a "cure." you that your life is out of control. It happened this morning when I got out of bed a couple of times, and a few more times as I made my way to work. I am now feeling a bit off again which is why I have come back on today. I started in the last week having the sensation of being in a elevator with eyes open. Medication can break that fear cycle as well as therapy to help address the anxiety. Hi queenforever, I did experience the same phenomena and want youto know that it did go away in time. And right now it's all happening to me, Just praying for some relief and answers and solution. 2023 MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. 2023 MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. When I am really sleepy, although they are scary, I can fall back asleep just minutes later for the same thing to happen again. Wavves are back with new single 'Sinking Feeling' out now on Fat Possum Records. when I walk I feel so heavy all over my body and like I'm sinking into the ground. Over time, those floor joists, which comprise the wooden slat "roof" of your crawl space, may can weaken and cause major structural problems. Some people will feel more like pressure, burning . The times I had the worst random vertigo/dizziness spells aligned with me being anemic. I worry since I'm alone with our youngest a lot, but reading the above comments it seems this feeling is I worry it may have to do with something more serious, like a aneurism. . She was walking noiselessly in her smooth and soft moccasins. My vision in clear with this also. However, I like to track my flights with the GPS module of my mobile, which also records altitude. Karmaberry99, us folks with anxiety, we have trained our brains to overreact to almost everything. Drill a small hole, on a floor seam, using the 3/32 drill bit. Dizziness is very common symptoms of anxiety, it also sometimes due to medication. I described it to a new family Dr. and he just kind of smiled. That way, you will . Here are some signs that your uneven floors could actually be signaling a foundation problem with your home: Sinking or heaving concrete slabs A floor that sags towards the center of the house Interior doors jamming Floor cracks Floor joist are damaged, undersized or over spaced. if the ENT checks out, i don't have a choice but to move on. It terrified me and I was ill with worry for months googling and thinking that I had some sort of deathly disease. Some of our solutions include JES Slab Piers and IntelliJack. So weary of doctor visits. All rights reserved. A person who has depression may feel sad or low for extended periods. Explanation: "She felt like sinking to the floor" because Zitkala-Sa had her first day at the school. Not much more than a GP. Falling dropping sensations, such as feeling like your body is falling downward like in an elevator even though you aren't actually going down, are common symptoms of anxiety disorder, including generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and others. Peripheral nerves are all the nerves outside of your brain and spinal cord. Or used to? Your muscles are tensing up etc without you even realising.. Google adrenaline and cortisol also.. these are all the things i researched when I felt this way. Your body needs rest - just focus on getting better and out into the fresh air etc and try to think positive and stop being scared of this feeling. I get this feeling too, especially when my pressure's too low. It means your foundation hasn't just shifted, it really moved! I get this feeling frequently too, it was actually one of my first symptoms of POTS. Oh gosh, I didn't even think of this. I think it has something to do with my BP being off. Your link has been automatically embedded. Rheumatologist sent me to neurologist and I had an MRI. So I did, and it disappeared in less than 48 hours and I've never had it since and that was 30 yrs ago in 1986!! I had a VNG done to detect ear issues at the ENT but they say I do not have BPPV because that produces a spinning vertigo whereas I have an up and down sensation but I wonder if there are other ear issues that produce the feeling I'm having. Patient aims to help the world proactively manage its healthcare, supplying evidence-based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals. I was scared. The main job is to get that idea out of the body to be able to look at it more objectively. Also epsom salts - half a pack in my bath and listening to Claire Weeks audio book really helped me with the muscle aches and tension. Has anyone gone through a period of time where it was very intense? (Argh. the scariest feeling though is the feeling like the ground is moving when I am walking. Its a really scary feeling and I'm scared it might go out of control while I'm at school. Is It Safe to Live in a House with Foundation Issues? Been to 3 ENT's. I feels like oil of some kind. The sinking is one reason why I try to stay upright. Sinking, Dropping, or Falling This feeling is particularly scary and jars you from the brink of sleep into being wide awake. Yeah, lack of sleep is the only thing that I am sure is definitely correlated with these vertigo flashes. For instance, when you notice your doors or windows being jammed, you should know that you have sinking foundation problems affecting your floor. An optomostrist told me that colors (especialy green and red) come from low BP. I'm going to see the doctor on what is causing my body to have this sensation going on. system hard," says Dr. Potter. Thanks for commenting! Apparently they are related. any positional information can help your doctors figure out what is going on. If you were to take Mount Everest and drop it in the deepest part of the trench, you'd still have more than a mile of water above it. My arms and back and legs hurt they thought it was sciatica or fibromyalgia. It started when I was in 4 th grade and I'm 53 now. Do you feel nervous most of the time daily? feeling like the floor is sinkingnhl crackstreams reddit. (I do think it's caused by the Lupus, but I'm looking for the more proximate cause so I can address it, or at least know whether it's merely inconvenient or indicative of something more worrisome.). 1. Your previous content has been restored. The end result is intense squeezing and crushing feelings. The use of load-bearing piers is exceptionally beneficial in raising your sunk in the floor. One of the effects of the fight-or-flight response is that blood is redirected away from the stomach to the muscles. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. Another way to describe it is like when your walking on a boat dock, and as you step, the floor is wobbly. To view profiles and participate in discussions please. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. its a vision problem ive had it for many years now. They can be used to raise the foundation of your home while at the same time, stabilizing it. It's a little bit like dizziness or being on a boat, but I don't really feel it when I am not moving. I feel like I am falling or sinking in the bed .Even with my eyes closed I feel dizzy, like I am floating on water. I am wondering if is a new not so fun way for my body to get before I totally pass out.. b/c during these epsiodes.. Now it just feels like I'm sinking into the floor when I walk. Anyone experience this and know the cause? No further fellow up needed. Posted 1. Never delay seeking advice or dialling emergency services because of something that you have read on HealthUnlocked. I had a long sleep study that proved to be very benificial. It comes and goes in terms of intensity. If your symptoms stay no matter what you try to do, I would see your doctor. Some of the things you gals are talking about; the sx while laying down and being tired may be related to a sleep disorder. My vision is perfectly clear. I'll make an appt with an ENT. Sometimes there is brief neck pain or head pain, like a pinched nerve. Feels like the floor is moving anxiety symptom can range in intensity from slight, to moderate, to severe. I used to think this can't be right, something must be . They are mostly used where other piers cannot be used. My legs from the knees down feel stiff. I am on blood thinners as of May and thought maybe anemia was causing this or some other symptoms. 610 W. Burton St Murfreesboro, TN 37130 I haven't been diagnosed with meniere's but the symptoms make sense to me. Sometimes I feel like I cant walk. I needed to learn to accept anxiety, for what it was. Doesn't feel like low blood pressure. They may also say that they feel . I have Hashimotos Disease but am otherwise healthy. Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek I'm not. I had these spells for a couple years, then finally I was referred to an ENT and an audiologist. I guess I still have it, it's just not bad the way it used to be. Limited eye movement. I had a sleep study as a kid where they said just that about me and REM sleep ( i went into it fast, it was broken up and I woke up when it ended? If you have bought a lot of furniture or something more substantial like a piano or maybe you might have added an extra feature on your cabinet, it will add extra weight, which will make your floor to sink. Have you tried going back on a very small dose for a few days, to see if it helps your symptoms? Positional vertigo episodes would only last 3 to 5 minutes I've Been Told. But then it just went away. Feeling off balance. Be sure to wipe the . Anxieties and fears are often felt as a physical sensationa knot in the stomach, a tight throat, a "sinking feeling" or some other unpleasant experience. respect of any healthcare matters. Improper or excessive foundation settling can also cause the basement floor to sink. We use this in places where bedrock is shallow. Don't give up. I get the same feeling when I am lying on the I am sinking into oblivion and I have no control over my arms or legs..sometimnes when I take a nap during the day it feels like when I wake up I can't get up like I am paralyzed or weird and scary. Floor is bouncing or sinking while walking. Moreover, they are also quite affordable, making them economical to use. You might be wondering if your floor is on the verge of collapse. Once I stopped fearing it the feelings got less and less. Thank you so much for your comment, I dont know if it happened to you but after this symptom of the floor my body started to ache out of nowhere which is really scary cause I cant tell if its anxiety, did you have other symptoms after this? ( like you stepped Of course I think its my heart Im trying to get help , this will actually be my last post Ik suitcase from outside 1 house and then a sink from another. After reading everyone's comments, I think I need to check the ENT angle. Has anybody got soultion for this symptome? Pasted as rich text. Did not do it to cure this, but after a few days of the diet, the feeling stopped. You cannot paste images directly. Did you move your head to the left? When I got off it felt like I was stepping in holes even though it was a level tile floor. It's a very scary feeling almost as if I'm fainting, but I'm not. I'm in need for a remedy. You will see your symptoms listed here. Thank you! I stopped Zoloft because it lowered my blood pressure . This only happens when I am standing, but when I do my blood pressure and heart rate right after, they are fine, even though I also have a slow message to my atria. If your living room is at the center of your home and is placed on one side, it might be a cause for a sunk in floor. I was in a market and an earthquake happened. he discharged me and told me i shouldn't worry about it and asked if i would like to see an ENT, i said yes. I'm feeling so sick now. Still get light episodes on occasion. If your sloping floor is caused by improper installation of the floor itself, you may be able to simply get the floor pulled up and installed again the right way or put down an entirely different floor. When my Mother was alive she took me to every doctor known to mankind with no answers although mine lasted longer then a few minutes and when I was little the only way I could describe it to the doctors is "my body feels like it's moving in slow motion" the doctors now found out that I have an inner ear problem and believe that could be the problem. Is it anxiety? Hi, I have felt like I am sinking at times. She was going/marching inn the dining room with the other students in a line. I went to an ENT doctor who did some tests which came back normal. I don't feel dizzy like the room is spinning, and it happens suddenly, then is gone after a second. I have expressed this to my ENT and that is how he knows it is not positional vertigo. I don't want to pump vitamins in when I know I get enough naturally. The other vocabulary for illusions of balance/movement feelings are: dizziness (a feeling of movement within the head), vertigo (a feeling of spinning, or that the room is spinning), and disequilibrium (the feeling of falling to one side). I would be sitting there watching tv or reading a book, and suddenly it was like I was fainting and falling to the ground but I was perfectly still, or dropping in an elevator, like I was falling and moving towards the floor but everything around me was staying where it was even though I felt like I was . Yes, I did. Glasses you will experience vertigo at a more intense level. YES! The earth around your home is sinking. And how? There abilities fall short when it comes to the treatment I require for menieres. Your responses are so helpful and I really appreciate it. Does this sound familiar? If you don't address it, the sheetrock in your walls can rip and tear. This is anxiety. Like you can walk across and it sinks, kind of gives with you. Be sure to contact Ground Up Foundation Repair to enjoy our efficient and professional foundation repair services. OBSERVATIONS: - Can be triggered by urinating - release of pressure - Can be triggered after bowel movement - Only happens when standing You can try mediation, breath exercise, it is so helpful for the anxiety and help reduce panic attacks. Thank you, I have had to defend myself with some people that I do not have vertigo been to the ENT doctor to know for sure !