Thus, every event is Random because there are an infinite number of potential causes for any event. We can select random numbers from nature in any finite range we choose. random unique pair numbers from two range, On-the-fly, random partition of a range of numbers [0,N] in groups of max M size. Q: Where do the weird rules for rational numbers come from? Example: When we roll a die, we might obtain 3 or when we toss a coin, we might obtain heads. *Any good physics geek will point out that given the way the universe operates none of these are hyper-technicaly truely random but there is no reasonable way to predict the results so for the sake of this discussion they are sufficiant. Q: Why is the area of a circle equal to πR. (A brief introduction to infinite sets, infinite limits, and infinite numbers). Does it ever make sense to use clipless pedals with studded tyres? “Parallel universes” are not nearly as exciting as they sound. cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator. Q: What is the “monogamy of entanglement”? There are four possible outcomes for a Monte Carlo simulation variable (A, B, C, and D). Q: What makes natural logarithms natural? Q: What would life be like in higher dimensions? I was trying to solve a hobby problem that required generating a million random numbers. These two versions of the same photon exist in different universes from their own points of view (since they are mutually exclusive), but they are in the same universe from our perspective (since we can’t tell which slit they went through, and probably don’t care). Q: How do you turn/change directions in space? In this startling and lavishly illustrated book, Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow present the most recent scientific thinking about these and other abiding mysteries of the universe, in nontechnical language marked by brilliance and ... Q: If you are talking to a distant alien, how would you tell them which way is left and which way is right? Say a computer or a smartphone of 2030. The reality assumption says that the results of all of these experiments exist, but unfortunately we can only do two at a time. Q: How is radiometric dating reliable? What’s the point? External factors can make Add behave in a non-deterministic fashion. In my freshman year, a couple of classmates and I proposed a random number generator that has basically a AM receiver and tuned to 4 different channels, get the input into a A to D converter and add them all (modulo your max number). Q: What would the consequenses for our universe be if the speed of light was only about one hundred miles per hour? Q: What do complex numbers really mean or represent? Why ancient Egyptians did not “intelligently design” a watch and why so clever a person as Leonardo Da Vinci or Isaac Newton did not “intelligently design” a computer or a spaceship? It has been experimentally verified that if the polarizers are set at angles and , then the chance that the measurements are the same is: . This noise causes a small amount of uncertainty on the transition time of an inverter cell when it switches from low- to high. Question: Which of the following is true for simple random sampling? Q: What are “actual pictures” of atoms actually pictures of? It's entirely possible that a true random number generator will give the same result ten times in a row. On any deterministic device it is impossible for a deterministic system to produce a true random result. Q: What are Feynman diagrams, how are they used (theoretically & practically), and are there alternative/competing diagrams to Feynman’s? Since every such packet invariably seems to be contained within the dimension above it, it would appear to be true to suggest that each dimension is fully contained within the one “above” it. In the investigation, Barr wrote that Durham 'is authorized to investigate whether any federal official, employee, or any other person or entity violated the law in connection with the intelligence, counter-intelligence, or law-enforcement activities directed at the 2016 presidential campaigns, individuals associated with those campaigns, and individuals associated with the administration of . If you have 10 matched pair settings and you're going to do a hypothesis test and you're going to use the idea of finding what the P value is versus the critical T value or possibly Z value or the confidence interval to make your solution. How do we know that God really does play dice with the universe? Q: What does a measurement in quantum mechanics do? What I don’t understand however is the belief that Free Will is separate from the “clockwork”. Cheap experiments and demonstrations for kids. Q: Can you do the double slit experiment with a cat cannon? Q: Is there anything unique about our solar system? Q: Given two points on the globe, how do you figure out the direction and distance to each other? The trials must be independent of another. Q: What causes iron, nickel, and cobalt to be attracted to magnets, but not other metals? "This work presents a series of dramatic discoveries never before made public. Q: How can something be “proven” in science or math? Dec 9 '11 at 17:22. "Spurious Correlations ... is the most fun you'll ever have with graphs. We truly believe that the angles we are measuring are -exactly- the same (down to atom-sized accuracy)? Q: In an infinite universe, does everything that’s possible have to happen somewhere? Q: What’s the point of purely theoretical research? All of this points towards the infinitely infinite creator or source. We sometimes understand a few of them, but most lie far beyond our ken. To solve this issue, many modern UNIXes and Unix-likes have kernel RNG's that use physical noise sources to generate true randomness. Q: How does the expansion of space affect the things that inhabit that space? I'm not a philosopher, so if I have not clearly stated something, please let me know, and I'll update with more clarity. Also randomness or causeless events leads to supernatural or magic which do not exist. Computers generate random number for everything from cryptography to video games and gambling. The PUF realized by manipulating the write time and the TRNG is realized by tweaking the number of write pulses. Q: According to the Many Worlds Interpretation, every event creates new universes. If we find enough digits, isn’t it possible that it will eventually start repeating? I’m very confident we are not done with that yet, if we ever will be. But until those drawing and details for Boeing 747 have come to existence and until a human DNA and a human cell have come to existence, a very long process of evolution had been taking place. Such robots will probably appear in 20 years times, but not now and why is it? On the plus side, repeatable pseudo-random numbers can be great for debugging. Q: Since the real-world does all kinds of crazy calculations in no time, can we use physics to calculate stuff? 1) Imagine a machine that uses good-enough ‘pseudo’ random number generation to generate a sequence of events vanishingly unlikely to have occured in a universe of our size and age. If all the numbers you generate have to be unique, they aren't really random. Q: Is geocentrism really so wrong? If so, what would it look like? Relativity and Quantum Mechanics: the elevator pitch. (Dealing with fractions). The random numbers 02, 22, 53, and 74 correspond to the variables _____, respectively, if each possible outcome has an equivalent chance of occurring. And to sell these lies in a convincing way the Church needed beta ‘scientists’ to believe the lies, so they would be convincing when explaining these lies to ordinary people (just as happens with ‘popular’ science outlets on the Internet today- ones that assume you’ve never heard of Godel, or learnt the implications of Turing’s theorems). Q: Why is the integral/antiderivative the area under a function? Q: Could we get rid of CO2 if we pumped it through a pipe into space? Science operates under the assumptions that all effect has a cause, and that rigorously identical systems evolve in the exact same way; as a consequence, reproducibility of a result is what makes it scientifically valid — which is not the same as being true, unless we can prove the underlying assumptions of science are valid in every situation. Q: What would happen if an unstoppable force met with an unmovable, impenetrable object? Consequently, in contrast to DNA data storage 38, DNA synthesis is not the bottleneck in DNA random number generation as such a standard synthesis can generate true randomness at a rate of 225 GB . Q: If accelerating charges radiate, and everything is full of charges, then why don’t I radiate every time I move? That is, intentions, choices, and decisions are made by subconscious mind, which only lets the conscious mind know what was willed after the fact. And ‘beta’ physicists fall in line with this creationist nonsense without even realising. If we can somehow trace or otherwise reproduce the inputs we can reproduce a result. Researchers typically use random numbers supplied by a computer, but these are generated by mathematical formulas â and so by definition cannot be truly random. If the Haste spell is cast on a Bladesinging wizard, can the Bladesinger cast three cantrips in a turn using the Extra Attack feature? . @user973810 The problem with that definition from information theory is that you cannot exhibit an actual instance of a random sequence. Today, despite the work of Godel and Turing, most people are taught that ‘free will’ is simply an expression of ‘complexity’. True False No, the answer is incorrect. What about in base 1? In his experiment, the equation should have worked. Q: How do you prove that the spacetime interval is always the same? Q: How can carbon dating work on things that were never alive? No, it's absolutely not possible! 2 Related work The work in [15] uses sampling of phase jitter in oscillator rings to generate a sequence of random bits. Why is there one-to-one correspondence between laws of conservation and symmetries? The zero volt, large-slit wire is called the "return" or "neutral" line. With numerous illustrations making it easy to focus on the most important information, this insightful book is perfect for students and researchers of any discipline interested in the interwoven tapestry of probability, statistics, and ...
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